Martes, Mayo 2, 2017

FMB: Government infrastructure projects dependent on access to skilled workers

The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has called upon the next government to ensure that the construction industry retains access to skilled workers following Brexit or risk jeopardising housing and infrastructure projects.

The call comes as the FMB launches its ‘Programme for Government’, which included a five-point plan for the next government outlining how SMEs in the construction can be supported over the course of the next Parliament.

Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “The UK construction sector’s demand for skilled migrant workers from the EU and beyond cannot be overstated. In London alone, there are more than 157,000 non-UK construction workers constituting almost half of the industry’s workforce in the capital. Pre-Brexit, 60% of small construction firms are already having trouble hiring bricklayers and that’s before the UK abandons the free movement of people.”

Mr Berry said that the best long-term solution to the industry’s skills shortage solution is for companies to recruit and train more home-grown talent.

He concluded: “Through a flexible immigration policy and more high quality apprenticeships, the next Government will allow construction to act as a bulwark against any Brexit uncertainty.

“As the economy adapts to the reality of operating outside of the EU, it’s more important than ever that the Government works closely with strategic industries that offer high levels of productivity and a good return on investment. That means backing construction and supporting the sector will only become more important as the country looks to make a success of Brexit. We urge all of the main political parties to include positive policies on immigration, skills and apprenticeships in their forthcoming manifestoes.”

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The post FMB: Government infrastructure projects dependent on access to skilled workers appeared first on UK Construction Online.

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